In my activity, related to public affairs, I follow two basic principles:
1. A business is done only when both parties win, meaning a win-win situation.
In a win-win situation both parties come out on top.
The other two situations, namely win-lose or lose-lose, are not to be found in my portfolio of working methods as they result in only one winner or none which translates into a game without stake, the theory of such type of game not being viable in business.
So a win-win situation is desirable and is the situation I want to generate so as everybody comes out winning.
2. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
In my opinion, it is impossible to get something for nothing.
In the public affairs business if these two principles are respected, then the communication between the parties, namely the private investor and the public authority involved, will be thus built so as to both understand and correctly and efficiently apply their substance. Only this kind of investment projects can materialise.

In my activity, related to public affairs, I follow two basic principles:
1. A business is done only when both parties win, meaning a win-win situation.
In a win-win situation both parties come out on top.
The other two situations, namely win-lose or lose-lose, are not to be found in my portfolio of working methods as they result in only one winner or none which translates into a game without stake, the theory of such type of game not being viable in business.
So a win-win situation is desirable and is the situation I want to generate so as everybody comes out winning.
2. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
In my opinion, it is impossible to get something for nothing.
In the public affairs business if these two principles are respected, then the communication between the parties, namely the private investor and the public authority involved, will be thus built so as to both understand and correctly and efficiently apply their substance. Only this kind of investment projects can materialise.

Dedication and Networking
Dedication and Networking
Professionalism and excellence
Professionalism and excellence
Adviser to the President of the Banking Assets Recovery Agency, "Romanian State Bad Bank" (AVAB).
Director of AVAB.
General Director of AVAB.
CEO & President of the Banking Assets Recovery Authority (same, AVAB), with rank of Secretary of State.
Minister Delegate for Coordination of Governmental Control Activities.
Interim Health Minister.
Coordinator of the Business Environment Consultative Council ( the first Business Advisory Council) at the level of the Prime Minister and the Government of Romania.
May 2013 - November 2015
Coordinator of the Coalition for the Romania's Development, (the second Business Advisory Council, Today in force) at the level of the Prime Minister and the Government of Romania.
Synthesis of the governmental activity
9 years of Governmental Activity, out of which more than 5 years of continuous activity (October 1999 – December 2004), within the Government, as employee, 1 full mandate (January 2001 – December 2004), participating during the entire period in the Government Sessions, out of which:
4 years
4 years of activity in all managerial positions, Advisor to the President, Director, General Director and President (2.5 years), Financial Institution of the State, of the Bad Bank type, AVAB, USD 4 billion, the portfolio value, 4000 state-owned and private companies.
1.5 years
1.5 years as Delegate Minister for Coordination of Governmental Control Activities, subordinating 5 governmental control institutions, i.e. the Financial Guard, the National Customs Authority, the State Inspectorate of Construction, National Environmental Protection Agency,
and the Inspection Body of the Government (coordinating also the Inspection Bodies of the Ministries forming the structure of the Government of Romania) and equally coordinating other 8 governmental institutions, strictly on their control component: National Agency for the Control of Strategic Exports (ANCEX), National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN),
National Office for Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering (ONPCSB), Banking Assets Recovery Authority (AVAB), National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), Labour Inspection, State Sanitary Inspection within the Ministry of Health, National Sanitary Veterinary Authority within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Waters and Environment, totalling 13,000 control inspectors.
During the same 1.5-year period, I was appointed and acted as Interim Health Minister (2003), filling at the same time the position of Minister of Control; while filling this latter position, I controlled, for 1.5 years, the Financial Resources allocated to Health, therefore there was a connection between the two positions.
4 years
4 years of coordination of 2 Business Advisory Councils, at the level of 2 Prime Ministers and 2 Governments of Romania (February 2012 – November 2015), outside the Government, not as an employee, on behalf of the Business Environment, as former Minister.
18 years of private activity
1 year
1 year as a trading company Director.
4 years
4 years as a Banker at the Romanian Bank for Foreign Trade, acting directly under the President of the Bank.
13 years
13 years as a CEO & President, in my 2 business consulting companies (I spent the 4 years of coordination of the Business Advisory Council while conducting private activities, not being an employee of the Government, maintaining the relationship with the business environment, from the business environment towards the Prime Minister/Government).
Previous governmental and private activity: 1981-1993
13 years, Ministry of National Defence, spending the last 7 years, i.e. 1987-1993, with conducting analysis activities.
Previous governmental and private activity: 1981-1993
13 years, Ministry of National Defence, spending the last 7 years, i.e. 1987-1993, with conducting analysis activities.

For me, Nothing is Impossible!
“I am sometimes asked why Companies, particularly large and very large ones, also known as Transnational Companies, resort to my Public Affairs/Lobbying services to send their important messages to Decision-Makers from various sectors.
My answer is always the same and is based on a simple mathematical rule: assuming that there are two points A and B, where A is the Company and B the problem that needs solving, the shortest distance between the two points being the straight line, such straight line would be my efficient solution to the problem.
However, it is also possible to get from point A to point B without me, by taking zigzag, indirect, tangled, much more irregular paths than a straight line, which involves additional costs and time, i.e. losses.
And then, in order to avoid uselessly losing money and time, those Companies choose to work with me.”
11A Turturelelor Street, Building C, 6th floor,
Sector 3, Bucharest, 030881